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Environment Painting and Design

Environment Painting and Design

An 8-week course focused on creating stronger environment paintings based on a narrative of the student’s choice
cover image

Create strong environment paintings

Create strong environment paintings
In this follow-up course to Environment Concept Design, students will be diving deeper into the elements that make up a good environment painting—from values, lighting, and design to composition and colors. The goal for this course is to gain a deeper understanding and mastery of the intricacies of environment painting and design, specifically for the video game and feature film genres. A longer-term project will include design tasks as exteriors, interiors, establishing shots, and design call-outs.
Registration Now Open
Only 5 seats left
Registration Period
Jan 30, 2025 - Apr 23, 2025
Course Start
Apr 18, 2025

Course Format


Skills Level



8 weeks


Once a week


Individual recordings

Lecture Type

Due each week. Expect to spend 8-10 hrs/wk viewing lectures, Q&A, and time on assignments.
Perspective, Environment Sketching, Fundamentals of Environment Design, Environment Sketching for Production, Fundamentals of Architecture Design, Environment Concept Design, OR advanced digital painting and environment design skills
Photoshop (any), Wacom tablet or equivalent

The more you know, the better.

Introduction to the class | Importance of drawing, values, vs colors | What is a value? (Value scale, Values vs colors, Value relativity, describing form) | Show hi-key paintings and low key (show on value scale) | Show concept with few details but great values | Value design (master paintings example) | Demo 1: Value design study of master’s painting | Demo 2: Low Key Painting | Demo 3: High Key Painting | Demo 4: Paint mid-tones first then extremes
Classical rules of composition (theory) | Presentation of books | Master painting composition studies | Adding drama with cropping | Play with camera angle | Positive and negative shapes | Strong lines | Notion of contrast (shape, value, size etc) | Overlapping and tangents | Object/shape repetition in space | Demo 1: how to find interesting compositions with happy accidents | Demo 2: Refining a composition
How light behaves | Vocabulary of lighting and analyzing lighting references | Value relationships in ambient light vs angle of the plane | Demo: Painting light on simple buildings
Color wheel | Vocabulary | Harmony | Warm/Cool | Local color vs color of the light source | Demo: Paint simple colorful object with light & color, color & emotions | Presentation of my book “Art Fundamentals”
Color corrections over B&W values | Glazing over B&W | Finalizing B&W sketch and how to color it with different techniques | Painting from a color reference
Introduction about what the differences are from interior and an exterior shot | Demo: Painting (in color) an interior shot with at least 3 different light sources
What are edges in paintings? | The four different types of edges | Show examples in master paintings | Edges in shadows | Edges for shadow form vs edges for cast shadows | First: Demo with the study of a movie screenshot with only one opaque, hard edged brush. Second: Reworking the edges to get a final painting and realize the power of edges
Checklist (correct painting at the same time) | Demo: Blow up small part for details | Vary color temperatures and values for any plane | Add precision in form | Work on edges | How to get help from the use of photos.

Taking your skills to the next level

Senior Concept Artist
LECTURES BY Gilles Beloeil
Course Start: Apr 18, 2025
Gilles has been a Senior Concept Artist at Ubisoft Montreal since 2007. He has spent most of his time working on the Assassin's Creed games since 2008. Gilles also has work published in books such as "Digital Art Masters" (vol.7, 8, 9) and is a co-author of the book "Art Fundamentals" (3D Total).

Instructor's Gallery

Concept Art
Concept Art
Concept Art


Take your CGMA learning further with CGMA+, a companion add-on featuring over 70 new, stand-alone workshops—more than 250 hours of content you won’t find in your core CGMA program. You’ll learn from multiple instructors, each with a unique style, so you can see how different artists approach the same subject in various ways. This additional material builds on what you’re already studying, broadening your perspective and helping you look at topics from fresh angles. It’s a straightforward way to strengthen your studies and boost your skills.

View all CGMA+ Workshops


Even though our courses are the most affordable for the quality of education, these finance options allow you to focus on your goals instead of the barriers that keep you from reaching them.

3x Payments


2x Payments


Full payment


Jan 30, 2025 - Apr 21, 2025
COURSE BEGINS on Apr 18, 2025
Environment Painting and Design

What makes this learning experience unique?


Receive personalized feedback on all assignments from the industry’s top professionals.


Enjoy lifetime access to the spectrum of course content, including lectures, live Q&As, and feedback sessions.


Show off your Certification of Completion when you turn in 80% of course assignments.


Learn anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace with flexible, online course scheduling.


Gilles provides very clear and helpful feedbacks, directly pointing out how and why your work should be changed, and how your art would be overall improved in the end. His expertise in environment painting, coupled with his professional but also laid-back behavior, makes the Q&As really enjoyable and informative.


Great instructor, provided lots of useful and clear feedback on assignments and very informative Q&As.


Gilles was very professional and free with his knowledge.


Gilles is a wonderful instructor and artist.


Gilles was a fantastic instructor and I’m really glad I got to have him as a mentor. He cares about the students, answered every question to the best of his ability at each Q&A. Awesome guy.


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